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Meet the Marketer 3

Today, we've invited Fiona Wang, UNSW alumni and CX Project Manager to talk to us about her role at Innocean Worldwide, a global marketing communication firm of the Hyundai Motor Company. With 19 overseas operations and over 2,000 employees, Innocean Worldwide provides total marketing solutions for its 50+ clients.

1. Why are you interested in marketing?

Marketing is where people's perceptions and emotions around a brand, product, or service are established or changed and influences multiple functions within a business.

2. How did you land your position?

Employee referral from a previous role. Learning, connecting with your colleagues, and delivering above and beyond is the best way to leave lasting impressions, build relationships and also enhance your personal growth.

3. What does your typical 9-5 day look like?

Managing marketing campaigns and projects, creative briefing for new jobs, gathering post-campaign insights, and communicating with various stakeholders to ensure smooth project delivery.

4. Tips for uni students who want to work in a similar position

  1. Ask questions and always challenge ways of working and what you've been told

  2. Say yes to as many opportunities as possible, even if you are not sure if you are capable or experienced enough for that task/project

  3. Surround yourself with people who have skills that you admire

5. How has your marketing knowledge provided value to you outside of your career?

You learn many skills in marketing and on the job that can help you outside of your everyday role. For example, I used the same principles to grow my personal Instagram (@deliciousbub) into my own personal brand where I now have the opportunity to do freelance jobs in the areas I'm passionate about. This has allowed me to not only build a side career but also meet many different people and create long-term friendships with whom I would not have met otherwise.

Interviewed by: Chloe Wang

Written by: Jessica Au-Yeung

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